Special Gift: Complete Module 8 of Learn Digital Compositing in Nuke!

Unwrapping a Special Gift: Complete Module 8 of Learn Digital Compositing in Nuke NK101!

I’m thrilled to bring some holiday cheer your way with an exciting announcement.

As a token of appreciation for your dedication and passion for the art of compositing, I’m delighted to present you with the entire Module 8 of my comprehensive intro course, "Learn Digital Compositing in Nuke."

What's Inside Module 8? Dive into the intricacies of the Nuke 3D system with 11 videos. From unraveling the mysteries of the CameraTracker and ModelBuilder node to mastering the art of 3D projection mapping, this module is a deep dive into the heart of Nuke's three-dimensional capabilities. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, these tutorials are crafted to elevate your skills and empower your creativity.

Why Module 8? Module 8 happens to be the very last module of the intro course NK101 which I had not yet posted to YouTube. Rather than trickle it out over time as I have done with other modules I decided to post is all at once as a holiday treat. Now every module of NK101 is available for your learning journey.

In other news, I’ve finally settled on a hosting solution for the course project files. It’s going to take a little longer for me to get them migrated to the new platform. Please stay tuned for further announcements. In the meantime, here are the playlists for every module of Learn Digital Compositing NK101. Each module is a series of videos that covers a different area of digital compositing and Nuke. If you haven’t started watching them yet, it’s best to start at the beginning and watch them in order.

I hope you enjoy unwrapping this special gift and find inspiration in every video.

Wishing you a festive season filled with creativity and discovery!