All Learn Nuke NK101 Videos and Assets are now available.

NK101 is an introduction course to Nuke/NukeX.

Hello fellow VFX Student. I’ve been very busy lately so I’m going to keep this post short.

All of the videos for NK101, my intro course to Nuke / NukeX are now available on YouTube for FREE. Please help me spread the word. The whole idea of shifting to this new “freemium” format was to help give as many people access to VFX knowledge as possible. Now that there is a free version of Nuke anyone can learn compositing if they just put in the work.

My love of VFX and compositing tricks in particular are probably no secret to you. Compositing is a cornerstone of VFX. There is SO MUCH cool stuff you can do with just pixels and some knowledge. These videos will help give you the knowledge. The rest is up to your creativity and initiative.

NK101 is a COMPLETE introduction course to Nuke/NukeX that will teach you the basics of Digital Compositing so you can proceed to more advanced topics and not feel totally lost.

Here are all the playlists.

All the of the course assets and notes for Learn Nuke NK101 are now available for download with “Name a fair price” here:

The course notes include recommended reading that I HIGHLY recommend you consider following. It will accelerate your understanding of compositing concepts.

There is a minimum price for some of the larger assets as required by Gumroad. I chose to use “Name a fair price” to make the project assets as accessible as possible to everyone regardless of their means. I do ask that you pay according to your means and please leave a review at the very least. Please consider the time it takes to make high quality tutorials like these. These very same lessons have helped several people launch their careers and I hope they can help you reach your goals also!

I will begin releasing some of the NK201 videos and some NEW videos based on your feedback shortly.